Claylick Fire Training


Tuesday, April 4th 1845-2100

Have trucks out of the bay at the start of training and have gear set out. This will be a physical night.

Topics Covered:
RIT Kit, MAST Sling Link, 2:1 Rapid Extraction (Rope System), Air Management, and more

Tuesday, February 7th 1845-2100

Incident Command, SLICERS, RECEO-VS, Sprinklers, Hood systems, Camp Leatherwood Response

Meet at Claylick Fire Dept at 1845 with gear on your assigned apparatus. Apparatus assignments will be made at time of RSVP for the night. We will start in the classroom promptly at 1845 for a few minutes prior to moving to Camp Leatherwood for a site tour and response review. Please review the following videos prior to training (only the videos in this section of blue background)

Watch the first 3 minutes of the Structure Fire with Entrapment video. Write down your scene size up and be prepared to discuss at the start of training.


How to Use a NY Hook

7 mins


QuickStop Fire Sprinkler Stop and Multi-tool

Sprinkler Shut Off Tool



Helpful Videos